Wednesday, 28 January 2009


I rarely get bored. I find things to analyse all the time. Whether its a piece of packaging or figuring out why someone is wearing an item of clothing a paticular way. I always manage to find something interesting to look at, sometimes I even point out my observations to someone, even a stranger. Usually I get a positive response. Or I just muse silently to myself when I notice interesting things, I love to wonder why things are the way they are and how everything is related.
I actually hate the word BORED and genuinely believe
"That only boring people get bored"
I was pondering over the way i felt recently and I was trying to work out why i was feeling a paticular way, as it is really not like me to feel fed-up. Then I figured out that I had just lived through the most manic, intense not to mention SELF-INDULGENT 3 years of my life which involved lots of self promotion (ie; taking pictures of myself, wearing outrageous outfits to parties and exhibitions to ensure I was noticed, making sure that everyone I spoke to knew I was busy doing something AMAZING, dining out not once a day but THREE times a day, buying a new item of clothing for any business meeting, networking with everyone and anyone that told me they were someone and generally living a life that was not really real!
To lead this kind of life I gave up and pushed away alot of things and people who made me who i was.
After pondering over these thoughts I realised that I was not actually bored, I had just grown up and realised the importance of my everday reality. Which included the simple things like watching Eastenders with a cuppa, laughing at myself, speaking to my neighbours and giving them cake, the accomplishment of assembling an Ikea flat pack, getting to know the lady at the post office, chatting to friends about their day to day lives not about the party I went to the previous night, not caring what other people are doing, cleaning out my cupboards, booking tickets to a gig because I really want to go and not because I got a free ticket, listening to KODE9's BAD as loud as possible, having a hotbath, slapping on some false tan, finding the reduced section in the supermarket, having smooth legs, not worrying that everyone has a better life than myself, having clean & fresh nails, the list goes on and I dont want to bore you with my cheesy positivity ;)
Basically what I am saying is my life has changed direction and I am now alot wiser and happier being me, without all the bullshit!
Obviously that does not mean that I am gonna stop taking pics of myself and every aspect of my life, creating great design, listening to loud to pirate radio stations and trying to be as glamarous as possible! I just now know that i don't need to pretned to have cool friends and cool everything in my life to be cool!!!
As I am having a great time just being me!


OUZO said...


GGP said...


The Crew said...

i love you jenny, you are the best. make sure you come to my nail salon though...xx